Capturing Value for Creative Professionals

Startdatum1 september 2018
Einddatum31 augustus 2019
RegelingKIEM 2018 KIEM-hbo Creatieve Industrie
  • Creatieve industrie

The objective of the SIA KIEM proposal Capturing Value is to understand financial decision making and capturing value as a logical step in the conceptual and realization phase of creative products. We will explore the narrative of reasoning and making choices in the use of different financial instruments by creative professionals. These narratives are telling about the values creative professionals attach to financial decision making and how these influence the choice of financial instruments. Most research focusses either on the (non)availability of financial instruments or on the use of these instruments. This research proposal focusses on the missing link: how do creative professionals reason when confronted with making financial decisions? Which options do they consider and how are these influenced by their attitude towards and knowledge of various formal and informal financial instruments? The project is a first step to develop a bigger and international research proposal on the way artists and creatives capture the financial value of their creations.


Hogeschool van Amsterdam


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