Continuous biosensing of host cell DNA to control cell-based production processes

Subsidie€ 40.000
Startdatum1 juli 2024
Einddatum30 juni 2025
RegelingKIEM HighTech 2024-2025
  • Onderwijs en talentontwikkeling
  • Sleuteltechnologieën en duurzame materialen
  • Bètatechniek
  • Sleuteltechnologieën 20-23

Cell-based production processes in bioreactors and fermenters need to be carefully monitored due to the complexity of the biological systems and the growth processes of the cells. Critical parameters are identified and monitored over time to guarantee product quality and consistency and to minimize over-processing and batch rejections. Sensors are already available for monitoring parameters such as temperature, glucose, pH, and CO2, but not yet for low-concentration substances like proteins and nucleic acids (DNA).
An interesting critical parameter to monitor is host cell DNA (HCD), as it is considered an impurity in the final product (downstream process) and its concentration indicates the cell status (upstream process). The Molecular Biosensing group at the Eindhoven University of Technology and Helia Biomonitoring are developing a sensor for continuous biomarker monitoring, based on Biosensing by Particle Motion. With this consortium, we want to explore whether the sensor is suitable for the continuous measurement of HCD. Therefore, we need to set-up a joint laboratory infrastructure to develop HCD assays. Knowledge of how cells respond to environmental changes and how this is reflected in the DNA concentration profile in the cell medium needs to be explored.
This KIEM study will enable us to set the first steps towards continuous HCD sensing from cell culture conditions controlling cell production processes. It eventually generates input for machine learning to be able to automate processes in bioreactors and fermenters e.g. for the production of biopharmaceuticals.
The project entails collaboration with new partners and will set a strong basis for subsequent research projects leading to scientific and economic growth, and will also contribute to the human capital agenda.


Fontys Hogeschool

Joost Schoeber, contactpersoon


bij aanvang project
  • Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/E)
  • Helia BioMonitoring B.V.